I'm concerned about a number of major issues in the Council area but I’m also keen to discuss the particular concerns which residents may wish to raise with me. Such issues might include traffic management, graffiti, condition of roadways and footpaths, and other factors affecting the security, safety and wellbeing of our residents. The items that concern me especially are:
Built heritage: There is an ongoing threat to our heritage, and it is important to maintain the highest standards for new work.
Green spaces: Unley has several valuable green spaces but there are comparatively few in Goodward Ward. We should ensure that the character and amenity of these are preserved, and look for opportunities to add to our bank of greenery.
Flood mitigation: I place the highest importance on ensuring that our creek network is made as safe as possible. I believe that this will require a detention system in the rural catchment and the current dam proposals may require further examination.
Traffic: I think we need to take an integrated view of our transport management system. We should look to ways to increase safety, efficiency and amenity for passengers and motorists, cyclists and pedestrians, and with consideration of residents.
Please contact me if you would like to discuss these issues or draw my attention to additional concerns.